About Vagabondette

Welcome to Vagabondette.com

I’m Mandy and I’ll be using this blog to track my travels through the world.  I’ve been bitten hard by the travel bug so I’ve adjusted my life so that I can work online anywhere I have an internet connection which leaves me free to travel to my heart’s content.  Vagabondette is just one of my many websites.

In January 2009 I’m starting my next adventure.  I’m flying into Cancun, Mexico and will be making my way through Southern Mexico and down through Central America.  I have no time schedule and no set plans.  I’ll travel as I find things that are interesting and do my best to settle a bit in different areas to get a better appreciation of the local community.

My goals for this trip are:

1 – Volunteer for at least a month in every country I pass through.  I’d love to say this is purely out of the goodness of my heart, but in reality it will also help with my second goal which is:

2 – Stick to a $600/month average budget.  To do this I will participate in Couch Surfing, stay at hostels, try to do work exchanges and take the slow boat/bus because time I have on my side.

3 – Learn Spanish.  My attempts to learn French while living in Switzerland failed dismally because practicing it was hard.  Hopefully I’ll have better success with Spanish.  To help I plan on taking at least a few weeks of Spanish classes while I’m traveling – probably in Guatemala.

4 – Explore, love and learn.

If anyone is in any of the areas I’ll be passing through, I encourage you to contact me.  Perhaps we can share a meal or a beer or a good conversation.  My email is mandy (at) vagabondette (dot) com.

Happy travels and remember…not all who wander are lost.



2 thoughts on “About Vagabondette

  1. Hi Mandy
    Good luck on your travels glad to here someone out there doing it as life is to short. I see most of the countries you have been are in Europe are your intentions to stay north or go down to the Southern Hemisphere. We love travel and have been lucky enough to do a lot around the med in our sail boat.

    Good luck onyour travels lee

    1. Thanks Lee! I definitely want to get to the southern heemisphere. At this point I am just meandering aimlessly. There is still tons to see, just have to have the money. 🙂

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